Designing the villages #6


We’ve previously mentioned that we’re doing a lot of research on how people lived in and around the era of Grutte Pier. Same goes for the buildings, surrounds, details and maps of the villages and cities….

Corporal punishment and death penalties

Death penalties

Our game is set around the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th century. Our hero Pier Gerlofs Donia himself lived approximately from 1480 to 1520. One thing we know for certain is that life…

Friesland: the land of Grutte Pier

Today, I will write about Friesland (West Frisian: Fryslân). Most of you will know that our game Cross of the Dutchman is based on a true story. It’s based on the character “Grutte Pier” Gerlofs Donia…

Warships in Cross of the Dutchman

The subject has been addressed in the Naval Battles article from last week, but now it’s time to go a bit more in depth. Let’s talk about the Warships we feature in CotD. First, I would like you…

References for CotD’s game world

De Tresoor by Rien Poortvliet

We’ve read them all. All the Books, Fan-sites and Wikipedia articles about Pier, the 16th century, weapons and so on. But none of those were able to give us a good picture of what the world…

Ramping up development

Character wrap around

A new week, a new update! A lot has been going on the past few weeks. Not only have we launched this community website, but we also have been preparing for the next stage in the…

Grutte Pier Donia, Savior or Pirate?

Grutte Pier

This is an article I’ve been looking forward to personally. One of the biggest issues we faced when writing the story of Pier, is how we would portray him. Would he be a savior and liberator…

Choosing the Genre

Choosing the genre

We are often asked the question “What type of game is Cross of the Dutchman going to be?” Well, to be honest, it took us some time to figure out as well, but in order to…

An epic two years in the making (and counting)

As some of you may know, we first announced the development of Cross of the Dutchman way back in November 2009. This was actually just a couple of weeks after we came up with the initial…

The Legend of Grutte Pier

The Legend of Grutte Pier

When people tell a story, they tend to give it their own ‘twist’, tell it a bit more like they imagine it, or how they wanted it to be. This keeps storytelling interesting most of the…