Free CotD merchandise!

You’ve probably seen some hints on our Twitter and Facebook for this, but finally here’s the official announcement: Cross of the Dutchman merchandise! For free! What started as a small ‘just-for-fun’-project by Pascal, our art director,…

Teasing…. Something

Just a small post to tease you with something Pascal has been working on. More next week, stay tuned…

Grutte Pier mocap footage

Everybody probably remembers the motion capture shoot we did at Gameship with medieval sword fighting specialist Mishael Lopes Cardozo. Today we are able to show his movements in the body of our hero Grutte Pier. But first the mocap trialer…

Picture of the week #20

Een Vandaag interview

Apparently the sword of Grutte Pier will be moved from Leeuwarden to Rotterdam. The Frisian Museum which is the current owner will temporarily close down because of rehousing. They lent it to the Maritiem Museum Rotterdam, where it will be…

New Screenshots!

The team is kicking some serious butts and that means that we’ve got something new to share with you! We’ve shown a short clip about Grutte Pier moving around his farm in Kimswerd, but we can…

Creating a character

Creating an adventure game like Cross of the Dutchman involves the creation of many different characters. In previous articles, we’ve demonstrated how the creation process takes place, however this article takes a more detailed view at…

Teaser trailer release in retrospect

The release of the teaser trailer has brought a lot of attention to our game Cross of the Dutchman. Since it has been more then two weeks, let’s have a look at what strategies we’ve used…

Cross of the Dutchman teaser trailer revealed

Play teaser video

Triangle Studios is proud to reveal the teaser trailer for their upcoming action-adventure game: Cross of the Dutchman. The trailer will find its way across the internets as of today, let’s see where this brings us….

Picture of the week #12

Model of Grutte Pier

This weeks picture of week features the untextured 3D model of our protagonist Grutte Pier and his sword. Because Pier is the main subject, we awarded him with more polygons then the rest of the characters…

Designing the Villages #2

Grutte Pier grew up in Kimswert, a small village just below Harlingen. Historically, villages were small clustered settlements or communities, larger than a hamlet and with a population ranging from a few hunderd to a few…