New Screenshots!

The team is kicking some serious butts and that means that we’ve got something new to share with you! We’ve shown a short clip about Grutte Pier moving around his farm in Kimswerd, but we can now reveal what it looks like when there are soldiers (both hostile and friendly) around. I suspect that this will be a very common topic from now on. And hey, what better way to tease your audience than with a couple of fresh, high quality screenshots?

We are now very close to releasing a gameplay video, but we just want to tacke a couple of things (actually, about sixteen things) before we reveal the action to the world. For now, enjoy these shots and let us know what you think!

Alpha build screenshot 1

Alpha build screenshot 1

Alpha build screenshot 2

Alpha build screenshot 2

Alpha build screenshot 3

Alpha build screenshot 3

Alpha build screenshot 4

Alpha build screenshot 4

Alpha build screenshot 5

Alpha build screenshot 5


One Comment on “New Screenshots!

  1.  by  USSGreatePier

    Awesomesauce! Our hero is kicking serious butt too! People will dig this!

    I suggest everyone heads over to the Kickstarter page :)

    Can’t wait for the video though…

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