May review

April was able to slip out, but we’ll continue the monthly site stats nevertheless. I’m sure May will make up for the loss of April. May was our Kickstarter campaign month and even though we didn’t reach our…

Funding Unsuccessful …

Kickstarter unsuccessful

When my alarm woke me up this morning, I switched it off, and immediately checked the Kickstarter page. Who knows, it could have made a huge jump overnight. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Everybody was…

Dawn of the final day, 24 hours remain

Kickstarter 1 day left

This is it. For one full month, this campaign has kept us awake, pushed the limits of what we were able to write, create and show to the world. And now, with little less than 24…

Livestream: Pascal Brander, New Designer Pledge!

Kickstarter 5 days left

In yesterday’s update, we let you know that we will be hosting a live stream of the creation of the Kickstarter exclusive poster. As of 9:00am UTC+1, the stream will be running and throughout the day you will…

Reddit Invasion & Livestream!

Kickstarter 6 days left

Only six days to go, but who are we to lose our spirits? The Kickstarter dream doesn’t end until we say it does! On to the topic of the day. We can announce that tomorrow, Pascal…

New screenshots (kickstarter: 7days left)

Yesterday we’ve finally released the official gameplay traler, and we can safely say that responses so far have been very positive! The other thing is, we don’t see much of that enthusiasm convert to new backers just yet…

Official Gameplay Trailer

Cross of the Dutchman Kickstarter countdown: 8 days left

It. Is. Finally. Here! The official gameplay trailer for Cross of the Dutchman is ready for all of you to behold and enjoy. For the first time, we’re showing the action that lies within this great…

Kickstarter report: Day 19

Kickstarter report: day 19

Another week filled with Kickstarter-rollercoaster-crazyness has passed, but our update is now overdue, so time to inform you about the latest on Cross of the Dutchman! The good news is, the gameplay build is finished! The…

Kickstarter report: Day 13

Kickstarter report: day 13

We are now halfway through our Kickstarter campaign, and it is time to highlight one of the rewards we’re offering. In this update, you’ll get a sneak peak into the process of writing the novel for…

New Screenshots!

The team is kicking some serious butts and that means that we’ve got something new to share with you! We’ve shown a short clip about Grutte Pier moving around his farm in Kimswerd, but we can…