Terrain Tile Editor

In the previous post in this series, we talked about creating our own terrain tool as the one we used wasn’t flexible enough for our needs. The other tool didn’t allow for easy blending between multiple…

Progress report #2

Grutte Pier and Rintsje

Most of you are probably curious about the progress we’ve made on Cross of the Dutchman in the last couple of weeks. We have been quite busy, actually three of our employees resided abroad last week….

Picture of the week #6

picture of the week #6

Frank, Jildert, Remco and Erik doing a sprint review. The content of the sprint was a major step in the development of CotD. All aspects of the game like AI, Movement, Scripting and Battles have been…

Picture of the week #3


We had plans for sometime to move to a new office, and last week we received the final go. So on saturday we started moving the first stuff to our new office. And because of all…

Picture of the week #2

Subjects this week from left to right: Frank, Remco, Jildert and Erik. We’re doing short team meetings every morning to discuss which tasks will be worked on for that day. Although they are meant to be…