Year review

It’s been over a year since we started this blog. In that time we did monthly reviews (sorry we’ve missed a few!) about the website’s statistics. This time we reflect on how it went over the complete last year.

Over the last year we’ve had a total of 31.272 visitors, of which 18.047 unique visitors. These visitors generated 126.811 page views. On average, a visitor stayed for 3 minutes and 47 seconds on the website. Most traffic originates from referring websites: 47.77%. Facebook is with 4.313 visits by far the biggest referrer, followed by Twitter (1.640) and Wikipedia (1.621). The second group of visitors comes from search engines: 34.36%.  The most common used search term for this is unsurprisingly ‘cross of the dutchman’, with 38.63%. The second one, with 29.27%, is the still ever so mysterious ‘(not provided)’-keyword. Direct traffic accounted for 16.67%.


Site statistics 1 September 2011 – 1 September 2012

The chart above shows our site statistics for the first year. The first big peak you see are from January 24. This was the day the Teaser trailer was releases. The second one is from May 2, the second day from our Kickstarter campaign. Average daily traffic was 86 visitors. The busiest month remains May because of the Kickstarter campaign. Let’s hope the next few months will be even busier when we release our demo in the near future!

The Cross of the Dutchman community forum grew to 58 topics containing 1179 posts, and 125 members. On Facebook we have a total of 313 fans and on Twitter we have 527 followers. For our blog we’ve created 139 posts which received a total of 433 comments. The article with the most readers ever was The Legend of Grutte Pier. On second place there’s Cross of the Dutchman teaser trailer revealed and on third there’s Creating terrain textures. The most comments went to Pre-order the official novel now!.

The last few months had to do without a statistics review, but we will try to pick it up again from this point on. If you’re interested in some more stats let us know in the comments!

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