• Cross of the Dutchman is available now!

    Today we are excited to announce that Cross of the Dutchman is available on Steam, Humble Store, Green Man Gaming, Gamesrocket, Nuveem, GetGamesGo and various other leading distribution platforms! Make sure to tell all your friends about…

  • Cross of the Dutchman releases September 10th. Pre-order now!

    Triangle Studios is excited to announce the release date for Cross of the Dutchman! On September 10, 2015 the game will be available on Steam, Green Man Gaming, Humble Store and various other leading distribution platforms…

  • Bram Guest Blog

    Demo-review by Bram!

    <Remco> It’s been close to two and a half years, yet it doesn’t seem like that long ago since Bram was an intern at Triangle Studios. He’s currently finishing his degree and has reached out to about…

  • We have been Greenlit!

    Last Monday we were surprised to receive an e-mail from Valve stating that we had been Greenlit! We launched our campaign on June 26, 2015 and within less than 4 days (in hours) we were trending…

  • Cross of the Dutchman on Steam Greenlight!

    The word is out! Cross of the Dutchman is now available on Steam Greenlight, and with a brand-new gameplay trailer! Some of you have seen the demo, we’ve kept working on the project since that time…


Pre-order the Cross of the Dutchman novel written by Ate Grypstra or donate and help us finish this amazing project.


Do you want to participate in the development of CotD? Your opinion is valuable! Sign up for a Triangle connect account, and let us know what you think! Ranks We have a special reward system for…

Triangle Connect

Getting tired of checking dozens of websites for the latest news?! Sign up for Triangle Connect now! Keep track of the latest developments and sign up for Triangle Connect! Having a Triangle Connect account will bring…

It’s alive!

Wow, you’re still around? I think we owe you an apology by now … *hangs head in shame sorry guys … We’ve blogged before about the difficulties of developing a completely new game while running a…

New combat footage!

How cool is this?! I bet you can see yourselves fighting a way through Frisia already. You can identify two attacks here. The normal (less damage) attack and the heavy (mucho damage) attack. Which of course…

Update time!

So, it’s been a bit quiet since our last update. Fortunately, it only means we’ve been quite busy behind the scenes. Actually, perhaps it’s best if you are the judge of that. In the past two…