Character Profile: the Officer

Let’s take a look at another character that you can encounter in the game. Meet the Officer, a man who made his career out of fighting in wars. This means he has had real proper training…

Character profile: Swordsman

Swordsmen concept art

Time for another introduction of one of the characters you will encounter in the game. Let’s take a look at one of the most common type of soldiers: the swordsman. Make no mistake, although these guys…

Character profile: Pikeman

We’re continuing the Character profile series with another soldier, this time, we shed some light on the Pikeman. Designing the behaviors for this enemy was particularly interesting, since they behave in a way very different from…

Character profile: Archer

Cross of the Dutchman will feature a wide range of characters and most of them have never been properly introduced. Some of them already made in appearance in the gameplay footage we released during the Kickstarter…