Converting concept art to 3D art #2

Two weeks ago we revealed the first 3D art in this post. In the meantime we revealed more 3D art on our ambassadors forum and last week we finished up all of the assets needed for our test village. This week Ronald started working on the characters. Characters play an important role in testing the gameplay, besides we focus on getting our test village to be as accurate as the final game will be.

Farmer wraparound

Farmer wraparound

Think about walking, running or fighting animations, these need to be adjusted specific to each character in order to get a natural animation feeling. Interaction with objects or other characters need to be carefully tweaked. We also need to prevent characters getting to close to each other when they are battling, being too close would make sword impacts look like they hit something behind their opponent. They have to keep a natural distance between each other. Above you see a wraparound of a farmer, below how the final model ended up.

Farmer 3D model

Farmer 3D model

3 Comments on “Converting concept art to 3D art #2

  1.  by  spazzacamino

    i agree its becouse of them long limbs and skinny feat
    totally working for me though

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