My dads facebook page

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My dads facebook page

Postby Mark » 04 Dec 2012, 17:56


As of last week the forums looks to be dying of, a great shame in my opinion.
So to help bring the forums back up to steam, a little story and a perfect example how social media makes an impact on our (daily) lives .

On to the story then shall we? Last month my dad was recovering in the hospital from a surgery, but with all hospital stays he got bored.
So he grabbed the iPad and decided to create a facebook page for the town he grew up(Joure,Frisia) in and invited a few old friends to the page. Within 2 days there where a 100 people wanting to join the page and share pictures of the town.
One month further there are hats and calenders about the page sold in the local stores in Joure, the local news and the Frisian news talk about it in the papers and radio and the page is growing fast with almost 30-40 people a day.

Heres a report from the Frisian news, I have no clue what they are saying since its Frisian (that is also the reason I'm putting this topic here) but it was pretty funny :P ... ep-populer

It is pretty funny to watch all of this from the side line as there are people joining from all over the world and there where even a few pictures of battle tanks in the streets parading at the end of world war II(from the archives of a random older man who apparently is pretty handy with facebook.)


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Re: My dads facebook page

Postby USSGreatePier » 04 Dec 2012, 20:49

Mark wrote:As of last week the forums looks to be dying of, a great shame in my opinion.

It has been noted before that awkward silences on the CotD forum usually precede something good... A demo release this time maybe? :) hehe...

Anyway, good job on the Facebook page... It's funny to see how things can develop like that...


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Re: My dads facebook page

Postby Bram » 05 Dec 2012, 10:27

Cool story! 1847 members at the moment :) ... r/members/
And keeping the forums alive is always a good thing of course ;)


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Re: My dads facebook page

Postby Mark » 05 Dec 2012, 17:55

Bram wrote:Cool story! 1847 members at the moment :) ... r/members/
And keeping the forums alive is always a good thing of course ;)

I agree, the forums are a really great way of communication and smarttalk.

Today somebody called my dad that they where launching t-shirts and they will make a special underline for the numberplates (the black line with white text underneath the Dutch numberplate. )


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